
The Raido Impact1

Deviation Actions

bloomacnchez's avatar

Literature Text

Keroro Gunso
Raido’s “intrusion” … de arimasu.
     Tamama suddenly rushed into the room screaming, “Keroro! Keroro!”
“Whaaaaaaaat…?” Keroro groaned. What could Tamama possibly need at such an important hour? Didn’t he know exactly how important Keroro’s Gunpla time was to him?
“Gunso… Gunso…” Tamama panted. Keroro tapped his foot impatiently.
“Daylight’s a-wastin’ Private, spit it out,” he hissed. Meanwhile, Giroro and Kururu gazed at the two with great interest. After Tamama caught his breath, he stood up straight; his eyes wide and bloodshot.
“We have another Keronian among us!” he exclaimed.
     “Gero?!” Keroro gasped.
“Ku ku ku, another one…?” Kururu cackled. Giroro got up and cocked his gun.
“Is he hostile?” he asked irately.
“I-I don’t know…” Tamama stuttered, “Some Pekoponian boy came in with him. Fyuki let him in…”
“Well… SOMEBODY has to go check him out,” Keroro said. All eyes fell on Tamama. He became frantic.
“Why hand me off?!” he wailed.
“You want to make a good impression on Gunso don’t you?” Giroro grinned, pushing him back out the door, “So go bring up the new intruder…” Tamama trembled before walking back down the stairs. He could feel his other personality tingling inside. He feared that it would break out in any second.
    As he finally got back down the stairs, Keroro’s friend, Fuyuki, spotted him.
“Oh, there you are. You were here one second and gone another. Where did you go, Tamama?” he asked. Tamama restrained his demon side and twitched.
“N-Nowhere…” he replied simply. The boy with the Keronian that Tamama had encountered earlier walked into the room. Fuyuki noticed him and smiled.
“Hey, Masaru, I don’t know if you met Tamama,” he said. Masaru smiled at Tamama innocently.
“Hi, Tamama. Nice to meet you,” he greeted. He had dark blue spiked hair and an orange shirt with a triangle design on it. Behind his legs was the Keronian. He was a red frog with a blue hat and had a lightning bolt symbol on his stomach and forehead. He had big sparkling black eyes similar to Tamama’s. He seemed tired and somewhat depressed. Masaru looked down at him.
“This is Raido, he’s one of you guys, right?” he asked. Tamama looked over the other Keronian a bit. Even if he WAS hostile, he didn’t seem to be in the mood to put up a fight of any sort. Tamama’s inner demon seemed to settle down and leave.
     “Raido… say hello, to Tamama,” Masaru said quietly. Raido looked up at Tamama slowly. He pitifully rose his hand in attempt to wave but let it fall limply back to his side before trying to walk off. Masaru quickly stopped him. He looked up at Fuyuki and Tamama, who were both confused by Raido’s actions.  
“I’m really sorry, he’s been like this ever since I found him,” Masaru apologized.
“Maybe, I can help,” Tamama volunteered. Raido looked up from the floor at Tamama, expressing very subtle curiosity.
“Thanks, Tamama, I was hoping you could,” Masaru smiled. Tamama looked over at Raido and smiled
“C’mon! You should come meet Gunso the others!” he said. Raido no longer seemed depressed, but he still didn’t speak, nor did he smile. He followed Tamama up the stairs back to where Keroro and the other members of the Keroro Platoon were.
     “You’ll really like my friends. They’ll help cheer you up, I can guarantee it!” Tamama said. Raido said nothing. “Gunso-san is very good at helping people cheer up.” Raido still didn’t speak. He seemed lost in thought. Tamama stopped smiling and watched his feet. “You’re really quiet…” Predictably, Raido didn’t reply. As they walked through the door to their room, Tamama looked around; the room was empty and the lights were all off.
“W-where did they go?” Tamama asked. As Raido walked in, the lights flashed on and Giroro and Kururu flew out of nowhere pointing guns at him.
“FREEZE, INTRUDER!” Giroro yelled. Kururu pointed a rather strange looking gun at him.
“Or be blasted to rather small bits. Kukuku…” he grinned. Raido was now in a panic. Tamama defended him.
“PLEASE DON’T SHOOT!” he shrieked. Keroro stepped in.
“Gero, gero, gero…” he cackled, “Welcome intruder. I see that you have met Second Class Private Tamama. May I introduce you to Corporal Giroro and Sergeant Major Kururu. And I am Sergeant Keroro. I’ll have you know that what ever tricks you have up your sleeve are not a match for me nor my platoon, so do not test us.” Raido stared at him. Tamama felt he should mention Raido’s condition before Keroro took this as a “suspect caught” expression. However, Raido was able to fend for himself.
     “Are you NUTS?!” Raido yelled.
“Gero?!” Keroro yelped, obviously surprised by this outburst.
“Why would you assume that I’m here to wipe you all out?! Or do you also work for that old toad?!” he inquired.
“Raido! You can speak!” Tamama interrupted. Raido looked back to reply, but as he did so, Kururu pulled the trigger on his gun and a spring shot out, wrapping around Raido.
“Ku, ku, ku,” Kururu giggled, “Don’t think we trust easy.”
“OH, COME ON!” Raido screamed.   
“Very good job, Kururu,” Keroro praised, “Now, we can run some simple tests to check our intruder.”
“Your lies won’t help you, alien creature,” Keroro said simply.
“Oh really? Then let’s see us an afro,” Keroro shot. Raido’s frown loosened and he cocked his head slightly.
“Heh?” he asked.
“Let me see your afro, that’s proof enough to me,” Keroro replied. Raido became quiet. Kururu sighed and grabbed Raido’s hat, yanking it off.
“HEY, WAIT! GIVE IT BACK!” Raido panicked. Keroro frowned as he took notice to Raido’s hair. It was short, light brown, and spiked. No afro.
“Humph, some Keronian you are,” he huffed. Kururu snickered and slapped Raido’s hat back on. Tamama frowned.
“Hey, that doesn’t prove a thing. Besides, afros are just something the Keroro Platoon shares,” he pointed out. Keroro sighed.
“Oh, fine, but how else can we test him?” he asked.
“Ask me trivial questions,” Raido sighed, “The Planet is Planet Kero, the capital is-”
“Not so fast,” Keroro interjected, “You could’ve easily looked that up on your alien planet Internet.”
“I’M FROM THE SAME PLANET AS YOU!” Raido insisted.
“And you always will be,” Giroro sighed, rolling his eyes. Raido became confused.
“Wait. What?” he blinked.
“Well, I just came up with a new invention for this kind of intrusion. Kukuku…” Kururu cackled.
“Oh really?! Let us see!” Keroro said excitedly. Kururu pulled out another gun that was small and light blue. It had a small screen on the side.
“I call this the ‘Reveal and Expose’ gun,” Kururu exclaimed proudly.
“Ohh, it’s shiny!” Keroro squealed. Giroro slapped his forehead.
“Whatever, has it ever been used before?” he asked.
“Kukuku,” Kururu giggled, “This would be the first run…” Raido’s face expressed horror. Kururu aimed the gun at him. “Now hold still, this may sting… a lot. Kukuku!!”
“WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I’M NOT HERE TO BE A LAB RAT SO YOU CAN TEST OUT YOUR INVENTIONS!” Raido screamed. Kururu laughed and pulled the trigger. A wave of electricity buzzed out and shocked Raido. When it finished, Raido flinched.
“Owwwww…” he said quietly.
“Well?! What does it say?!” Keroro asked. Kururu shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter. It needs two pieces of input,” he replied. Keroro shrugged.
“Well, get some info from another one in the room,” he said. Kururu stared at him awhile. Finally a small demonic grin formed on his face. Keroro then realized that the others were also gazing at him.
“N-Now, Kururu… don’t look at me like that…” he said nervously.
“Kukuku…” Kururu grinned.
“I mean it! Don’t do anything rash!”
     And Kururu pulled the trigger again. Keroro was shocked.
“HOLY KERO! WHAT ON PLANET KERO ARE YOU INVENTING THESE DAYS, SGT. MAJOR?!” he shrieked, shaking violently as the aftermath.
“Kukuku! But it works! That’s the good news!” Kururu giggled, glancing at the screen.
“Next time, use Dororo, not me,” Keroro scowled. Kururu suddenly looked surprised as he looked at the screen.
“What? What was that face for?” Giroro asked. Kururu began giggling uncontrollably.
“HE’S A KERONIAN!” he laughed.
“Why is that funny?!” Tamama asked.
“Because we just abused him for no reason,” Kururu laughed. Giroro frowned.
“You heartless little whack job,” he snarled. Tamama quickly released Raido from the spring.
“I’m really sorry about that, Raido…” he apologized. Raido straightened his hat.
“It’s alright… I just wish I could’ve been trusted the first time.”
     “We apologize, Raido. My subordinates get so antsy over other Keronians, y’know?” Keroro asked. Giroro and Kururu snapped an angry glare at Keroro.
“Yes, but who was the one pointing a gun in his face?” Keroro asked. Giroro pointed at Kururu; Kururu pointed back at Giroro. Keroro rolled his eyes. “Exactly.”
“Well, the important thing is that now we don’t have to worry about Raido being ‘dangerous,’” Tamama said.
“Yep, so you don’t have to worry about us anymore,” Keroro said. Suddenly the air vent on the ceiling popped open and Lance Corporal Dororo flew in. He shivered.
“Hoo! It’s chilly in there!” he exclaimed. He looked over at the other five and eyed Raido. He gasped.
“AN INTRUDER!” he exclaimed.
“NO, DORORO!” the other four screamed. Raido slapped his forehead and groaned.
     After that mess was settled, Raido was almost fully trusted by the Keroro Platoon. Just… almost.
“Alright, since Dororo has kindly decided to join us, I find this the perfect opportunity to have a meeting on our next attempt on the intrusion of Pekopan,” Keroro said. Then he glanced at Raido. He stared at him awhile. Then he sighed, “Never mind. We’ll just wait until you leave.” Raido frowned.
“Well, I’m sorry if my presence bothers you,” he snorted.
“He didn’t mean it like that, Raido,” Dororo said, “He’s just concerned that you might use the idea as your own.” Raido rolled his eyes.
“Please, I gave up on the whole invade planets thing years ago,” he sighed.
“Then why are you here?” Giroro asked. Raido made a short sarcastic laugh-like noise.
“Are you kidding? It’s not like I meant to come here,” he said.
“What?” Tamama asked.
“What wonderful weather we’re having,” Raido replied, “Go ahead and talk your little Platoon meeting thing. Don’t worry, I don’t understand a word of it.”
“But-” Tamama started.
“Great! Thanks!” Keroro grinned, “Now then…”

“Come on, Dororo, you want to join in, you know you do,” Keroro said.
“Absolutely not, Keroro,” Dororo snapped, “I recall telling you that I don’t wish to take part in an invasion. I believe we are on this planet for different reasons.” There was small snickering. Keroro glanced over at Raido who was covering his mouth and stifling laughter.
“May I inquire what you find humorous?” he asked.
“Is that how every meeting starts out…?” Raido giggled.
“Yeah, so?”
“THAT WAS JUST WEIRD!” Raido laughed, rolling on the floor. (rofl.) It was the first time any of them had seen him smile.
“Hey, this isn’t your Platoon! So don’t mock our performance!” Keroro snapped.
“Sorry, it’s just… I’ve never heard anything like that before. It’s… different to me,” Raido giggled, getting up off the floor.
     “So, then, Mr. Smarty-Pants, what does YOUR Platoon do?” Keroro asked. Raido stopped smiling at once and grew very quiet. He seemed to become depressed again.
“I…I…” he muttered. They all waited for an answer. He finally said quietly, “I don’t…” He broke off.
“You don’t what…?” Tamama asked. Raido suddenly seemed to try to fake optimism.
“What wonderful weather we’re having! I hope it stays this way!” he fake-smiled.
“Raido… do you have a Platoon?” Tamama asked. Raido covered his… ear holes.
“Rain, sleet, snow, or hail, we deliver what you mail! Lucky for the postman the weather is so nice!” he exclaimed.
“The whatman?” Keroro asked.
“Ignore him, he’s just babbling. Must be some aftershock from Kururu’s stupid invention,” Giroro said. Kururu frowned.
“Pah, you just wish you had a brain like I do, Kukuku…” he snapped.
     As Keroro continued with the meeting, Tamama glanced back at Raido. He had seemed to grow depressed again as he watched the Platoon. He seemed even more upset when the others would laugh about some goofy remark that Keroro made. It made Tamama wonder what was going through his head.
     There were only few things that he knew about Raido. One, he was here on Earth by accident. He had been depressed since Masaru had found him. He was not interested in invading planets. He knew few things about Platoons. He might not even have a Platoon. And he didn’t have an afro like many other Keronians. Raido was an interesting find. Tamama tried fitting in all of the pieces of information together to form a conclusion but he couldn’t come up with anything that made sense.
     “Right, Private?” Keroro asked. Tamama suddenly looked over at Keroro, realizing that he had missed at least half an hour of what was said.
“What?” he asked. Giroro gave an irritated sigh.
“He asked you if you thought his idea was fool proof,” he said. Tamama blinked.
“Y-Yeah, totally,” he said. Kururu cackled.
“Do you even know what the plan was?” he asked. Tamama scoffed.
“Duh,” he said.
“Kukuku...~ What was it then?” Kururu asked. Silence.
“Um…” Tamama said nervously, “What wonderful weather we’re having?” Raido began laughing. Keroro rubbed his face wearily.
“Ohhhh…” he sighed, “Never mind…”
Yay, chapter one of my Keroro Gunso story. Not a good title. -_- I'll find a better name sooner or later. Whatever. What wonderful weather we're having.

I might edit this later because there are still bits of inaccurate info in here I need to tweak.
© 2007 - 2024 bloomacnchez
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TeddyLovesCandy's avatar
I love reading stories about Sgt. Frog stuff. Great job!